Where do ideas come from?

People ask me, ‘Where do you get your ideas?’ And, like most writers, I have the standard answer, “From life.” But I know it’s not a good answer. It’s vague, unhelpful, and to be honest, a bit of a cop-out. A better answer would be, “It’s complicated” or “I actually don’t know”. But that’s also […]

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Hope for humanity: The music of Joe Hisaishi

I’ve always been a fan of live music. I spent much of my early twenties going to pub bands and watching people ‘rock out’ on stage. But I very rarely think, “Hey, I should go see some classical music.” And that’s not because I don’t like it. I listen to quite a lot of in […]

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Lines for Birds: poems and paintings

I’ve been working hard to understand language since I started writing for children. And while I ‘studied English’ in school, the focus was teaching you to communicate, not on how language can make you feel. Lines for Birds, Barry Hill and John Wolseley I was browsing a bookshop in Alice Springs on a recent trip […]

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Fine Art Inspiration: Amanda Hyatt

I spend a lot of time studying fine art watercolour artists who are doing some of the most incredible work you’re ever likely to see. When I was just starting out, my wife bought me a ‘Masterclass’ with this lady I have never heard of. I had no idea who she was or what she […]

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Your only competition is you

Competition has a lot of benefit. History is littered with examples of how rivalry pushed humans to achieve more in a shorter time. This is great if faster and ‘more’ are your goals. But not everyone needs to be faster, or make more. I scroll through my algorithmically-driven Instagram feed maybe once every few days. […]

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CBCA Notable books – Eric the Postie and Koala Bare

Eric wears his shiny new sticker I‘m delighted to announce that my first picture book, and my first collaboration with Jackie French have both been given a shiny notable sticker by the industry’s premier body, the CBCA. While the last you thing any one should ever illustrate for, it’s recognition, it’s still a lovely feeling […]

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