Matt Shanks: Small adventures in words and pictures

What goes up must come down

He stood motionless for 35 years, shedding and dressing up as the seasons dictated. He always knew he was planted for more than just bearing fruit and he would prove it to all.

The tree released the apple from its grip to begin a period in human history that would change it forever. It had waited a long time for Isaac to take this particular path during one of his daily walks at Oxford and today was that day. The dull thud of the apple triggered the bright spark of an idea. As the tree watched Isaac’s reaction he could not help but be taken by an overwhelming sense of gladness from tips to roots; humans would finally discover gravity and suddenly the earth felt a little warmer, a little more complete.

Artist notes: This is part of an ongoing series of the 50 most influential scientists that I go back to when I have time outside of my commission work. It was probably the first ever watercolour I did that I didn't want to throw in the bin immediately after painting, which is the feeling I had a lot back then.